Neurotres Tratamientos
Innovación e Ingeniería
Digitalización, Desarrollo de soluciones software
y hardware, innovadoras y a medida para la industria.
Agente Digitalizador – Programa Kit Digital
Con la financiación de los fondos “Next Generation EU” dentro del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resiliencia.

Neurotres Tratamientos
Agente Digitalizador
Somos Agente Digitalizador dentro del Programa Kit Digital del Gobierno de España y ofrecemos soluciones digitales enfocadas a la PYME.
Apoyamos a la pequeña empresa en sus procesos de digitalización, gestionando una hoja de ruta que parte de la presencia web, pasando por el comercio electrónico hasta la gestión de procesos para sectores específicos. Nos adaptamos a las necesidades del cliente y favorecemos su integración ditital en su entorno empresarial.
About Us
Our mission is to develop new products for our clients to improve their sustainability and benefit society.
If you seek a partner to develop innovative solutions and grow your business through technological innovation, Neurotres is your partner of choice.
Throughout the whole 360º innovation cycle, we enable disruptive innovation that will impact your profitability by:
Delivering more than expected: we are client focused and surpass expectations
Being results focused: we are entrepreneurs and shareholders
Bringing passion and vocation: our values make us unique
Action Areas
Active Thermography Systems & Solutions
We carry out studies and analyzes of the thermographic response, active or passive, of different materials used in industry.
We develop specific solutions based on the thermographic response and carry out quality controls on materials that drive the growth of our clients.
We propose innovation projects in this field that help improve our clients’ productivity, quality and financing capacity.

Industrial Measurement & Industrial systems
We have developed different measurement systems for parts and materials that help quality control and cost reduction for our customers.
We provide a telemetering system using mobile devices and state-of-the-art sensors with cloud-based management and monitoring.
We develop ad-hoc solutions, centralized or distributed, for sensorization problems, local or distributed, in different stages of the production process, quality control or maintenance.
Spectral Material Analysis
Our sensorization and quality control projects include the analysis of the spectral response of materials and spaces, coming from different sensor techniques such as Attenuated Total Reflectance, hyper and multi spectral cameras and spectrometers.
Our ad-hoc solutions include the development of quality control software based on the analysis and comparison of the spectrum of different materials with cloud management.

Business Inteligence
We provide analytical solutions for small and medium enterprises that provide a better understanding of the relationships between sections, customers and current results, which facilitate decision making for business strategy.
We work with the best BI platforms in the market to adjust to the data analysis needs of our clients, guiding them and/or developing their own information analysis system, from the extraction and loading of data from various sources to the development of dynamic and modern data inspection panels, but focusing on the design of the multidimensional model that represents your business, which is necessary to obtain the best results with these platforms.

eCommerce Website Design
We develop e-Commerce solutions for small and medium companies integrating them in their web or providing a corporate web with e-commerce or landing pages for products and/or services.
We provide training ranging from the complete development of the e-commerce solution, maintenance and management of the store to facilitate customer independence.
We offer a consulting service and custom developments of various modules that improve the basic capabilities of the online store system.
Application webs & Mobile apps
We develop modern and effective websites, improving the web presence of our clients. We develop customized solutions using systems that offer self-management of content by the client, with or without integration with online store.
We develop customized web applications using the best back-end and front-end development frameworks. We design complete solutions based on cloud services or implemented in private cloud platforms for the client.
Our mobility department develops modern applications for Android and iOS both native and based on multi-device frameworks. We develop specific applications with integration in all our solutions from industry to web presence.